The high saturated fat content in MCT oil provides ample binding opportunities for Cannabinoids. Since Cannabis is fat soluble the higher the quality of the carrier fat the better the extraction will be. The abundance and purity of the fat in MCT oil gives Cannabinoids plenty of material to work with. This means that infused MCT oil provides the greatest bang for your buck.

“MCTs” are Medium Chain Triglycerides a form of saturated fatty acid that has numerous health benefits ranging from improved cognitive function to better weight management. Coconut oil is one great source of MCTs roughly 62 - 65 percent of the fatty acids in coconut oil are MCTs but recently more concentrated “MCT oils” have also been growing in popularity.

We now know that ideally MCT oils like coconut oil should be consumed every day. Certain saturated fats especially MCTs and other healthy fats found in coconut oil are in fact easier to digest than long chain triglycerides (LCTs) and might even have more benefits related to heart health, obesity prevention and brain health.

MCTs get their name because of the length of their chemical structure. All types of fatty acids are made up of strings of connected carbon and hydrogen. Fats are categorized by how many carbons they have: short chain fats (like butyric acid) have fewer than six carbons, medium chain fats have between 6 -12 carbons and long chain fats (like omega-3s) have between 13 - 21.

What makes MCTs a top source of essential healthy fats? Medium chain fats are digested easily and sent directly to your liver where they have a thermogenic effect and the ability to positively alter your metabolism. This is one reason why many people claim that MCTs including coconut oil are burned by the body for energy or fuel instead of being stored as fat.

Compared to longer chain fats, MCTs are absorbed more easily since there’s less work for the body to do breaking apart carbon bonds. MCTs are smaller so they can permeate our cell membranes more easily and don’t require that we use special enzymes in order for our bodies to utilize them.

MCTs and saturated fats are good for you in other ways too. They are supportive of your gut environment especially since they have the capability to combat harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Additionally MCTs contain antioxidant properties which is why coconut oil has far reaching inflammatory benefits that have led it to be used to treat dozens of health problems in folk medicine for centuries.

Using MCT as a carrier oil in Medical Cannabis

Compounds in Cannabis are fat soluble. Which means they break down in fat rather than in water. This means that in order to reap the benefits of Cannabinoids you’ll need to consume them with some fat such as MCT oil or coconut oil.

When you combine Cannabinoids with fat, the fat helps the Cannabinoids travel through your digestive tract where they will eventually be broken down and released for your body to use.

The high saturated fat content in MCT oil provides ample binding opportunities for Cannabinoids. Since Cannabis is fat soluble the higher the quality of the carrier fat the better the extraction will be. The abundance and purity of the fat in MCT oil gives Cannabinoids plenty of material to work with. This means that infused MCT oil provides the greatest bang for your money.

MCT makes for the perfect carrier liquid for Medical Cannabis Oil concentrates. Cannabis oil concentrates high in THC, THCA, CBDA, CBD and CBN are mixed with MCT to make accurately dosed tinctures and capsules.

Sol Food Premium Cannabis endorses only the very best Medical Grade Cannabis oil products. There is no reason for any reputably Cannabis oil company not to be using MCT as a carrier liquid. MCT is expensive and that's one good reason why companies choose not to use it.

In Summary

MCT increases absorption, is healthy and only good for both you and your pet alike. Its child friendly too. MCT prevents obesity, promotes brain health and body energy or fuel. MCT is gut supportive combating harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites and contains antioxidants.

One wonders why all Cannabis Oil suppliers in Uganda aren’t choosing to use MCT as a preferred carrier liquid? The answer is very simple. They’re not working with Medical Grade Cannabis Oil concentrates to begin with and or are selling cheap inferior products made with substandard ingredients.